Academic Senate
The Senate Executive Committee wishes to express its strong endorsement of CAAD’s open letter to the campus community addressing George Floyd’s murder, police brutality against black Americans, and the need to confront white supremacy and institutional racism on our own campus.
Committee on Affirmative Action and Diversity Statement on Responding Locally to Institutional Racism
COVID-19 Correspondence
Graduate Strike - Grading Information
Report of Divisional Actions of Academic Senate, February 19, 2023 and February 21, 2023
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Report from the CEP/CPB Program Impaction Working Group - January 2023
Academic Council Response to Tiger Teams on International Research and Students
Strategic Academic Planning - Draft Implementation Playbook
Academic Council Discussion of Regents’ Special Meeting of November 16, 2017
Senate Executive Committee to Chancellor and CP/EVC re May 1 Protest and Kerr Hall Occupation
Senate Executive Committee Statement on the Immigration Ban
Federal Immigration Enforcement Actions on University Property
Senate Executive Committee Statement on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence
Science and Engineering Library Consolidation Project
Senate Response to the Retirement Options Task Force Report
Task Force on Graduate Growth
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Silicon Valley Academic Programs
- CPB Silicon Valley Pre-Proposal Recommendations
- UCSC Administration: UC Santa Cruz Silicon Valley Opportunities
Faculty Initiated Group Hire (FIGH)
The next Academic Senate meeting will be held on Friday May 15, 2:30pm via zoom. Click here to view the full 2023-20 Senate meeting schedule.
Due to the coronavirus threat, the Faculty Research Lecture will be rescheduled for Fall 2023.
The 54th Annual Faculty Research Lecture will be given by Professor Terrie Williams, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. .
Touching Extinction: Biological Achilles' heels and the survival of big, fierce animals
The Academic Senate Chair welcomes your comments and concerns. Let us know if there are academic issues which you think should receive more attention from committees or should be brought up for discussion at the Senate Executive Meetings. Please 如何免费上youtube.
UC wide Academic Senate
UC wide Senate Manual
Other UC Divisional Senates
Senate News
Office of the President News
Systemwide Issues Under Review
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125 Kerr Hall
University California Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064-1077
Phone: (831) 459-2086